Jackfruit, also known as jackfruit in Hindi, is a large irregularly shaped oval fruit. Often listed as an exotic tropical fruit originating in India and Malaysia, the jackfruit is now grown in Asia, Africa, the United States and Australia.
The diet of orangutans is known to be that a jackfruit can weigh between 4 kg and 20 kg. Jackfruit has a fibrous texture, resembling flesh. As a result, it is often used by vegetarians as a meat substitute. Ripe jackfruit has a smooth smell and is a little sweet. It is often peeled before eating and can be eaten raw, boiled, fried, fried or curried.
Jackfruit is rich in protein, starch (carbohydrates), calcium, vitamins A, B, C, copper and potassium. Although high in carbohydrates (80 percent), it has a low glycemic index due to its high fiber content (11 percent) and the nature of starch, which is resistant.
It helps in digestion as it has more fiber. Its mucilagenous pulp has been shown to be beneficial in boosting immunity. Other benefits include improving thyroid function, anti-cancer benefits, improving skin and eyesight, lowering blood pressure, and increasing sperm count.
Many people stay away from this fruit because they believe that it is high in calories and carbohydrates. In contrast, jackfruit can be eaten by those who are trying to lose weight because it helps to keep you strong and full for a long time. Also, it helps to provide antioxidants like vitamin C, flavonoids, phytonutrients and potassium, which boost the skin and immunity.
There are several health benefits of jackfruit in several studies, including its role in controlling type 2 diabetes and obesity. In one study, jackfruit extracts significantly improved glucose tolerance in both normal and diabetic patients.
The anti-ulcer effect has also been found in jackfruit and it is effective for those who have heartburn, asthma and shortness of breath. Studies have also explored the anti-inflammatory role of jackfruit, which may be important in preventing the progression of low-grade inflammation and its complications related to obesity.
The antioxidant function of jackfruit has been documented in various studies. In fact, jackfruit seeds have much higher anti-oxidant capacity than edible parts. The seeds can be eaten fried or boiled. Fried dried seeds are also given to the soil for making flour which is mixed with regular flour for baking.